Monday, July 4, 2011

Facebook's Zuckerberg: Yes, I'm on Google+

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Mark Zuckerberg

In what could be deemed as taboo in the social networking world, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed that he is, indeed, a member of Google's new social network Google+.
In a report on technology blog TechCrunch, the young social network mogul appears to have confirmed to technology blogger Robert Scoble that the profile bearing his name on Google+ plus apparently belongs to him.

More interesting, however, is Zuckerberg's retort to users' reactions regarding his profile at a rival social networking site.

"Why are people so surprised that I'd have a Google account?" Zuckerberg told Scoble through a text message, calling out social media users who have apparently grown accustomed to tech executives shying away from their competitors' online services.

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the report noted, have chosen not to participate on Facebook as themselves.

Zuckerberg, on the other hand, also has an account on Twitter, another one of its rival social networking sites. But his page was last updated in 2009.

To date, Zuckerberg has 39 people in his "Circles" composed mostly of Facebook employees, such as its chief technology officer Bret Taylor.

Zuckerberg also has on one of his circles Michael Arrington, founder of technology blog TechCrunch, which reported heavily on the smear drive involving Facebook and Google, regarding one of its tools called Social Circles.

Surprisingly, Facebook's CEO has eclipsed Vic Gundotra, the man behind Google+, and founders Page and Brin in terms of the number of people who have them on their own Circles.

As of posting time, more than 21,000 people have added Zuckerberg to their own circles, while Gundotra, Page and Brin have about 13,000, 14,000 and 11,000 users who have added them in their respective circles.

source: GMA News

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